As a CHIROPRACTOR I apply hands on manual therapy to facilitate balance in your body.
Balance facilitates comfort, creates space for your baby to move into a favourable fetal position and allows suppleness in your soft tissues in preparation for labour. Being balanced will then help you recover optimally postnatally, as you adjust to motherhood and the new adventures that come with it.
Treatment Options
I specialise in pregnancy and family care treatments that will help with:
Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain
Lower back pain and sciatic pain
Neck, jaw, shoulder pain, headaches
Trunk related dysfunction (thoracic spine and ribs)
Round ligament pain
Fetal malposition including breech and posterior presentation (knowledge in Webster techniques, Spinning Babies and Optimal Maternal Positioning)
Preparing the body for labour by body balancing and encouraging suppleness and responsiveness in soft tissues. (This means less resistance for the baby during the labour process - that is, an easier birth!)
Abdominal wall and pelvic floor dysfunction including Diastasis Recti, prolapse, incontinence, dyspanuria.
Post natal recovery including breastfeeding mechanics/difficulties and exercise prescription
Breastfeeding support including positioning and latch
Functional tongue tie assessment, rehabilitation and body release work
Newborn and infants for plagiocephaly, torticollis, head tilt preference, feeding difficulties, tongue ties.
Avant laser therapy to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation
Retained neonatal reflexes to pave the way for improved motor skills, behaviour and overall well-being
Neuro emotional techniques that address underlying emotional imbalances contributing to physical symptoms